Tips for Making a Smooth Transition to Hybrid Work
An object in motion tends to stay in motion – and a company with momentum tends to keep climbing.
When workplaces are set in a routine that works for the type of work they do and the needs they have, they can gradually and consistently improve their productivity.
But when you’re making a move, it’s easy to get a little mixed up. That’s especially true when you’re not moving everyone to a new office, but moving some to their own home offices.
Some people are ready to return to work, while others are moving home. Many workplaces realize a balance of both is the best option for safety and convenience purposes – but getting started with hybrid work sometimes requires a little help.
Here are the top tips you can use to make the transition to a hybrid workplace seamless, productive, and even enjoyable.
What Technologies Can Improve Your Hybrid Work Setup?
The first challenge in a hybrid work environment deals with communication and organization. Specifically, the way you manage and distribute your important information will be the top determining factor of your success.
A proper document management system puts your important information in a secure digital format, making it easily accessible by anyone from anywhere. Whether it’s a long-time office worker, a remote worker in their own home, a person ready to return to work, or an onsite worker ready to move home, document management works for everyone.
This single system can work for your business no matter how your work situation unfolds and evolves. But what about bringing everyone together for office meetings?
Audio visual technology makes it easy to conduct video chats and online collaboration. Wherever your workers are, they’ll be able to sign in to a secure, responsive system that empowers them to connect and work as a team together.
Got a board meeting? Training a new hire? Throwing a seminar on a new workplace change? Simply turn on your camera and mic, then access your preferred software to come together as if you were all under one roof.
Health/Safety Resources in a Hybrid Workplace
In the age of COVID, workplace safety has taken on a whole new meaning. With workers moving back and forth between home and the office in a hybrid workplace, how can you ensure that this disease doesn’t spread throughout your organization and cause your workers to take it home with them?
In addition to PPE like masks and face shields, you can equip your facility with disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer for added protection.
You could even take it a step further, using temperature scanners to check for signs of infection, and digital lockers to reduce contact and in the process reduce the chance of transmission.
Why Hybrid Workplaces Really Work for Everyone
So why should you adopt these technologies in order to sustain a hybrid work environment?
Simply put, hybrid work is the most flexible option available today. With many companies worried about resuming all in-person operations given how fast health concerns can change, going hybrid makes the most sense from a safety and financial perspective.
Some people try the remote work life and discover it’s not for them – they may want to return to work so their passion for the job and their mental health doesn’t diminish.
Others may struggle with repeated cases of COVID or concerns about exposure to it and may take multiple remote work stints as a precaution.
The only way to accommodate people from both these scenarios is to offer workers the chance to work from your location or their own. While it may seem like a lot to balance, the proper technology and supplies can keep your hybrid workplace on track.
Ready to Make the Jump to Hybrid Work? Let Us Help
Professionals know that the workplace is constantly changing – and rather than resisting that change, it’s much better to embrace it and enjoy the value it offers.
A hybrid workplace, when operated properly, can provide the best of both worlds. The seamless communication of the office with the safety of distance helps you keep the company on track while keeping workplace wellness your top priority.
We want to help you embrace this transition with efficient technologies and resources to support your journey. Ready to make the move that could take your company to the next level?
RJ Young is here to help you make your transition to hybrid work smooth and efficient. Reach out to us today – we’ll answer all your questions and help you get the perfect setup for the needs of your hybrid work environment. Click here to get in touch.