Disaster Recovery: Nashville and Surrounding Areas Recover After Disastrous Tornado
Our Community Coming Together
In the early morning hours of Tuesday, March 3, 2020, a powerful, deadly tornado ripped through Middle Tennessee causing a wide path of destruction. Among the hardest hit areas were Germantown and East Nashville, with numerous businesses damaged or completely destroyed. The devastation continued into west Tennessee with Mt. Juliet, Donelson, Wilson County, Putman County, and Smith County taking the brunt of the tornado.
According to the Nashville Fire Department, at least 45 structures collapsed around the city of Nashville. The tornados path, which varied in intensity, stretched roughly 50.25 miles from beginning to end, beginning in the area of the John C Tune area and ending 3.5 miles west of Gordonsville. According to the National Weather Service, the tornado has been categorized as an EF-3.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of the 25 who lost their lives in the Nashville tornado, as well as the people who are still missing. It is amazing how so many people throughout different communities have already come together to help, show support, and assist in the clean-up efforts to get the state of Tennessee back on track. Together, the city of Nashville and surrounding areas will get through this and come out stronger than before. We will rebuild and make it through this tragedy.

While the headquarters of RJ Young were not damaged in the Nashville tornado, it is without power. However, we are here for our RJ Young family and for our customers.
“We are here for more than ourselves – we are here to take care of the community. We will look for opportunities to serve our community, including clean-up efforts, to help get Nashville back on its feet.”
AJ Baggot, COO RJ Young

Nashville Tornado: How to Help, Volunteer, and Where to Get Help
As many Middle Tennessee communities were affected and are dealing with the devastation, there are countless ways to help and give back to those in need.
Here are some resources if you wish to donate or volunteer your time, or are looking for help:
- Hands on Nashville
- Red Cross of Middle Tennessee
- Second Harvest of Middle Tennessee
- United Way
- Nashville Convention & Visitors Corp.
- Community Resource Center
- Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee
Information for those impacted by the storm (road closures, shelters, and more) can be found at nashville.gov.

RJ Young Can Help Your Business by Providing Business Backup & Disaster Recovery Services:
This week’s tornado was an eye-opening experience for Middle Tennessee and the many businesses affected by the storm. Many put off implementing a backup and disaster recovery plan for their business until it’s too late. The time, resources, and funds it takes to get up and running will then add to their hardships.
RJ Young offers disaster recovery services to businesses of all sizes across the state of Tennessee and throughout our entire footprint. Should your business need assistance, we can help get your critical functions back in order so your business can resume normal operations as quickly as possible. We are here to help accommodate your needs.
While Nashville and Middle Tennessee recover, RJ Young will be here to assist in any way possible. Please email us at info@rjyoung.com or call 800-347-1955. Together we can help weather this storm. We believe in Nashville!