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How Can a Digital Mailroom Help Your Business?

Written by RJ Young | January 05, 2022

The pandemic has caused a major disruption in all aspects of business from supply chain partnerships to the economy, changing the way we all do business. Now, more companies than ever are leveraging a remote or hybrid work environment to keep business on track, with 32.6 million Americans targeted to be working remotely by 2025. In fact, by the end of this year, it’s predicted that more than a third of all workers will be conducting business remotely — representing a huge shift in business operations for many companies. 

Keeping office communications and collaboration flowing — and allowing employees to coordinate with clients, suppliers, and other necessary business partners is essential to keeping your business continuity on track. But with the decrease of the centralized office space, or with offices looking to cut down on internal costs, comes the demise of the in-house mailroom. In the past, mailrooms helped to speed necessary correspondence, packages, and other articles on their way to the right recipients without employees having to travel to an outside mailing center to take care of business. 

Today’s better, more efficient, and more cost-effective answer to the traditional mailing center is the digital mailroom. 

The Many Business Advantages of a Digital Mailroom 

A digital mailroom is a perfect way to keep remote staff in the loop and reduce the cost of mailroom processes — including the high cost of additional square footage necessary to bring mail operations in-house. Other great benefits include: 

Reduced Need for Storage Space 

As we mentioned, a digital mailroom doesn’t require in-house office space for physical mail handling. Because all mail is distributed digitally, you can use in-house space for more mission-critical tasks or reduce your rent by moving to a smaller office altogether. 

Reduction in Paper Costs 

Handling paper data is not only time-consuming, but it also requires a great deal of paper. There are costs inherent in the handling of paper, not only in the creation and storage of paper documents but also in the cost of moving paper from site to site. 

Efficient Data Distribution and Fewer Errors 

With in-house mailing, there is a high volume of repetitive, manual tasks that must be performed, often leading to human errors in sending, receiving, and other processing tasks. With a digital mailroom, processing of high volumes is possible even within strict deadlines or tight timeframes and staff have immediate access to the documents they need. Automated processes within your digital mailroom can trigger workflows, making urgent documents easy to prioritize. Misdelivered mail is reduced, as your mailroom can now track and search for documents if they have not arrived within the expected time frames. 

Improve Searchability and Shareability 

Along with efficient distribution, a digital mailroom provided document audits, compliance, and importantly for remote teams, shareability. Because a digital operation captures each document in one location, you can create a reliable, secure audit trail for compliance with any pertinent data protection and privacy regulations. Automation can assist with this, triggering limitations on specific types of content so that it does not end up in the wrong hands.  

RJ Young Can Design the Perfect Digital Mailroom for Your Business 

Whether you run a huge enterprise with multiple locations or are just starting out, a digital mailroom is a smart addition to your suite of cost-saving tools. For companies that are now working either partially or totally remotely, a digital mailroom represents a great way to keep staff, departments, customers, and business partners connected in a reliable and cost-effective way. 

At RJ Young, our team of Managed IT experts can create a digital mailroom solution that is custom-tailored for the needs and challenges faced by your business. Our services can help you digitize mail to save paper, distribute digitized documents securely, and even alert recipients of delivery to ensure timely processing. And our innovative digital lockers mean that even packages can be sent and received in a safe and contactless manner. In fact, the average time of delivery to a digital locker is 23 seconds for each package, greatly improving pickup times and performance. For those extremely sensitive documents or packages, we also offer secure courier services. 

Take the burden off in-house staff and take document and package delivery to the next level. Touch base with an RJ Young consultant today and explore how our digital mailroom services and digital lockers can transform the way you send and receive mail.