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4 Things to Consider When Deciding on Business Security Cameras

Written by RJ Young | January 31, 2022

Every business owner knows that risk is an unavoidable part of the job. While we can’t eliminate it, we can prepare for it.

Video security cameras are one of the most popular tools for this purpose, and for good reason. Half of solving problems in the workplace is knowing about them.

Whether it’s an outside risk, internal threat, or simply a lack of oversight that’s causing your business issues, the right video security camera system can be highly beneficial. It lets you see what’s wrong, what’s right, and what you may have otherwise had no idea about.

But what makes a system the right system? Though every business is unique, there are a few factors you should always look for when you’re ready to upgrade your company’s security capabilities.

Here are the top factors to consider with business security cameras.

1 – Security

The purpose of a security system is to protect your business. But any business leader knows that introducing a new system will also bring with it some level of risk.

It’s paradoxical to think that security camera systems could present security risks, but luckily these risks can be managed with the right features. Accessibility options make it easy to determine who can and can’t access video feeds and recorded footage, enabling you to make sure your monitoring capabilities are only allowed by authorized users.

With encryption technology and regular automatic firmware updates, your security system will be easily accessible by any appropriate personnel via the cloud but protected from breaches both internal and external.

No matter how many cameras you add or where they’re placed, the right system will always add to your company’s security potential and never detract from it.

Let’s not forget users can view all feeds at once, search with object or facial recognition, and monitor system health, giving them unmatched capabilities to secure their facility.

2 – Simplicity

While we could go on and on about the complexity of modern security camera systems and their safety features, the truth is most people prefer simplicity.

More specifically, they like technology that’s intricate in terms of quality, but easy to use. Our camera systems require only a lone ethernet cable to use and can be easily installed within a short time. The automatic updates make it convenient for you to keep your system optimized for top performance at all times.

Whether you’re adding to your existing setup or installing a new one, it’s easy to implement these cameras and begin seeing their value right away.

3 – Storage

While live feeds are valuable for business security purposes, some people worry about the storage and performance needs of their security cameras.

With bandwidth-friendly feeds and an infinite amount of cloud storage for clips, in addition to the cameras’ onboard solid-state drives, storage is not an issue. No matter how big of a facility you need to monitor, or how many recordings you need to archive for potential future use, our systems have you covered.

This feature is especially valuable for companies that are in a state of evolution. Speaking of which…

4 – Scalability

One of the telling signs of a value-driving technology lies in its ability to drive growth.

Scaling your company is often considered the best type of growth – it allows you to improve your capabilities without growing your costs and risk at the same rate.

No matter how big your company becomes or what new security needs develop, the right video security system will allow you to add new video cameras, monitor them easily, and keep your entire setup secure.

When you’re in the market for a security camera system, don’t just think about a system that will support your company today – think about the perfect fit for your long-term goals.

Let Us Help You Find the Perfect Security Camera System

Just as your business has its own unique needs when it comes to functions like accounting, marketing, or HR, you’ll also have unique needs when it comes to security.

No matter the number of cameras you need, the access control settings you require, or the setup concerns you may have, we’re confident that our team of experts can provide the perfect solution for your needs.

Security camera systems guard your business inside and out, giving you visibility over the entirety of the operation – and more importantly, giving you peace of mind about the state of your organization.

Ready to get a security camera system that protects your facility and all those within it? Contact RJ Young today to learn more about our top-quality, reliable, customizable video camera systems with high-level security, facial recognition, and other helpful features. Click here to get your security camera system guide.