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CIO Review: Empowering the Pandemic-Riddled Business World with Robust AV Solutions

Written by Julie Crider | June 01, 2021

COVID-19 has undoubtedly taken a massive toll on businesses across the globe. Companies were impelled into adopting digital technologies at scale to sustain their operations and foster remote work culture.

This disruption drove the need for cloud-based audiovisual solutions to help working professionals, educators, students, and businesses collaborate seamlessly and adhere to the social distancing protocols.

For example, in the education industry, most schools and other educational institutions already have virtually engaged classrooms where teachers continue to educate students directly from their respective homes. Also, in the healthcare sector, several clinics and hospitals have shifted their focus to virtual appointments and telehealth facilities.

However, irrespective of the industry and market, many organizations still face a daunting challenge on better positioning their business for the new digital normal and set its teams up for success.

To this end, Nashville, Tennessee-based RJ Young provides cutting-edge audiovisual technology solutions to help small to enterprise-level organizations evolve into modern workplaces and increase productivity to deliver better and efficient services to their customers. 

Read the full article here.