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IT Security Trends for 2019

Written by Bailey Magee | January 24, 2019

Cybersecurity is a major concern for any business, from small mom and pop shops to major multinational corporations. In fact, it is estimated that cybercrime could cost users and businesses $6 trillion globally by 2021. That is a staggering figure that could seriously hinder the growth and operations of any business. Perhaps one of the scariest issues surrounding cybersecurity is that hackers are constantly finding new ways to attack devices and networks. Businesses must stay on their toes and work hard to eliminate threats before they become legitimate targets. To help prevent threats, IT professionals should be aware of the top IT security trends for 2019.

The Growth of IoT

IoT (internet of things) refers to the many different connected devices that are entering mainstream business. There was a time when businesses mainly had to concern themselves with basic connected devices like computers, multifunction printers, and other essential network devices.

Today, businesses need to consider things like connected speakers, smart assistants, tablets, smartphones, connected light switches, among a whole host of other devices. It is estimated that the IoT industry could grow by up to 15% year over year through 2020.

This poses an interesting dilemma for businesses and cybersecurity professionals. Do they embrace IoT and the potential risks that may be associated or ignore the rapidly growing trend? Businesses that hope to be a part of the future may not have much choice. Rather than ignore one of the biggest IT security trends for 2019, businesses should get ahead of this issue.

Cryptocurrency Mining Malware

Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, were a part of the mainstream consciousness as prices reached all-time highs in late 2017 and early 2018. After a major crash in the value of cryptocurrencies, there was much less discussion about this modern investment and payment technology. However, cryptocurrencies have not disappeared and neither have the threats associated with them.

Although the value of cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, are not as high as they once were, they are still widely accepted online and still have the potential for growth in the coming years. This makes cryptocurrency mining malware a very real cybersecurity threat in 2019 and beyond.

This form of malware is installed on unsuspecting devices without users being aware. It covertly takes control of processing power to mine cryptocurrency in the background while users complete normal daily tasks. This leaves less processing power for users to take advantage of and, in some cases, could lead to premature equipment failure. This ultimately costs businesses money as they replace devices much sooner than they should need to.

The Rise of Mobile Technology

The way people do business is changing. 80% of people are using smartphones todayIn addition, more and more apps are being released that make doing business on mobile devices more efficient and effective. This is a huge opportunity for businesses, but could also become a major cybersecurity threat if handled incorrectly.

One of the biggest IT security trends for 2019 will involve employers embracing the mobile workforce and its associated challenges. How can employers ensure that devices are secure without holding their employees back with outdated security efforts?

Mobile employees will need the right devices to ensure they can do their job wherever they may be. This enables employees to do their best work at any time but, of course, companies must first embrace this technology.

Bringing Cloud Security Down to Earth

The business world may be on the edge of a data revolution. More and more businesses are moving data and services to the cloud. While this enables businesses to become more agile and move away from physical storage, it also introduces new security concerns.

When businesses move to implement cloud services, they must ensure that their organizational security is ready to handle this new technology. Luckily, cloud services can be made to be as secure as any other data storage method – as long as the right steps are taken.

There are also potential savings for businesses that choose to adopt cloud services. Large spaces for data storage equipment will no longer be required and associated costs, like electricity, can be cut as well. This cost-benefit will certainly make cloud security and implementation one of the biggest IT security trends for 2019.

Keeping Step with Technology and Cyber Security

Predicting technology and cybersecurity trends can be a challenge as the industry moves so quickly. It is impossible to say what the next great app, service, or device could be. However, having a trusted partner is essential to keeping up with the constantly changing technology landscape for businesses.

To learn more about the cybersecurity trends of today and tomorrow, contact RJ Young and learn about their managed IT services that can protect businesses from new threats while allowing them to embrace new technologies at the same time.