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What Is an Interactive Whiteboard?

Written by RJ Young | December 13, 2021

With the ongoing emphasis on remote work and learning, digital devices such as interactive whiteboards are becoming much-needed tools in businesses around the country as organizations seek to share information in a collaborative way without the need for teams to be physically present. These whiteboards are being used in classrooms to facilitate learning and in boardrooms to help users share information and work together on projects so that business can continue as usual, even when teams or participants are geographically scattered. 

But exactly what is an interactive whiteboard? There are many similar digital technologies that assist with sharing digital information in a visual manner. This article will help you understand the basics of interactive whiteboards and some excellent uses for them in your organization. 

So, Really — What Is an Interactive Whiteboard? 

In a nutshell, an interactive whiteboard is a device used to project images and files onto the surface of a whiteboard where they can be easily manipulated. A whiteboard has an LCD display and connects to a user’s computer to turn their screen into a large-scale version that is also touch-sensitive. The display can respond to input from the user or from other participants using digital devices so that information and content can be manipulated, shared, and annotated in real-time. Some great ways to use these features include: 

Remote Classroom or In-Person Learning 

Interactive whiteboards provide a host of benefits for the learning environment, especially when it comes to solving problems as a group. Tackling math, science, and even philosophical problems on an interactive whiteboard provides students with opportunities to build upon collaborative ideas and strengthen analytic skills in real-time.  

The ability of whiteboards to encourage real-world learning is amplified by connectivity, allowing students to live-stream events such as a shuttle launch or to interact with field experts as they conduct real-time experiments.  

Heightened Engagement and Collaboration in Meetings 

Interactive whiteboards provide the perfect medium for increasing employee or participant engagement in any number of meeting scenarios — from in-person seminars and board meetings to virtual webinars and team collaboration where members are in different locations. You can use your whiteboard to email copies of graphics, PowerPoint or other presentation documents, and text files to participants and even provide real-time presenter annotations. 

Sometimes even the most well-run meetings get off track and important assignments or information falls between the cracks. An interactive whiteboard allows presenters to use a wireless stylus or even their fingers to annotate live content to clarify important points and add audience input. With sizes that range from smaller +/- 40” to oversized at =/- 90”, these boards can be used in any size venue, from your office to conference centers and lecture halls. Plus, using special software, the boards can connect to any mobile device using wireless communication to allow for immersive participant interaction. 

RJ Young Offers Leading Edge Interactive Whiteboards to Fit Any Need 

At RJ Young, we have partnered with industry leader, Sharp, to bring you the wide range of features and benefits offered by the AQUOS Interactive Whiteboard series. As our case studies show, these boards can help empower users to be more productive and learn more while remaining cost-effective and simple for organizations to implement.  

The AQUOS series is uniquely customizable, with a variety of sizes and ways to mount the boards for use in any space. Boards can be connected for a multi-board configuration for larger or more diverse organizations and the user interface is incredibly intuitive, with touch screen capabilities and a writing experience that is smooth and accurate. And, with multi-function printer capabilities, these boards can allow you to scan and import any document, annotate or change it in real-time, and print or save the resulting document for discussion or distribution. 

Expand your organization’s capacity for learning, collaboration, and productivity with an interactive whiteboard. Touch base with an RJ Young consultant today to explore our wide range of models to find the one that best fits your needs and budget. 

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