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How To Choose A Printer For Your Small Business

Written by Bailey Magee | March 13, 2019

The multifunction printer is the lifeblood of many businesses. These versatile devices offer more than just basic printing functions. They can be used to help businesses become more efficient and productive. Of course, all of that depends on finding the best all-in-one printer for small business. Do you know how to choose a printer for a small business?

The right device for the right situation can make all of the difference. However, finding the right device can prove to be a challenge for businesses that are unsure of what to look for. Do you know how to choose a printer for a small business? With so many new features and sleek design elements packed into modern multifunction printers – how can you be sure you’re choosing the right one?

4 Steps to Choosing the Best Multifunction Printer for Business

Fortunately, making the right decision about how to choose a printer for your small business comes down to understanding the most important features to look for and defining an office’s unique needs. All of this can be done in just four simple steps.

1. Make A Budget

Budgets are important for all companies, from the smallest businesses to the largest corporations. So, it follows that the best printer for office use must also fit within the budget. Thankfully, multifunction printers span a wide range of prices. However, companies have to look beyond just the initial cost of the device to get a true sense of the cost of the printer. This means companies must decide if they want to purchase their printers outright or to lease. The purchase vs lease debate is an ongoing one with benefits to both options. A business with a limited upfront budget may be able to get the high-quality device they need by leasing, while a business with more cash on hand may opt to pay for the entire purchase price upfront. Companies must also understand the costs that will be incurred down the road.

  1. What kind of warranty is included?
  2. How much does it cost to operate the printer?
  3. How much will print supplies cost?

Only after a business answers these questions will they completely understand the total cost of a multifunction printer.

2. Identify Important Features

When choosing an all-in-one laser printer, buyers will notice that these devices come with a suite of incredible features. Some features may be an absolute requirement for business while others may not be as important. Identifying necessary features is the best way to quickly narrow down the selection. This will also help avoid costly printers that may include superfluous features not required by the business.

While many printer brands may offer similar features, they often have their own methods of introducing these features. Is the feature built into the printer or does it require additional software to be installed on laptops, smartphones, and tablets? Will this software be compatible with existing devices? Does the software cost extra?

3. Look for Productivity and Workflow Improvements

According to BizTech Magazine, one of the greatest opportunities when choosing a new office printer is to implement workflow and productivity improvements using the features and software offered by the multifunction printer’s manufacturer. Today, the qualities of a good printer go far beyond simply printing clear text or images onto a page. Users want to be able to save files directly to the cloud from their printer, access those documents on their mobile device, and print documents even when they are away from the office.

Many modern printers also come with touchscreens built-in which allow users to preview images before printing or scanning to ensure the work is up to the quality that they expect. Some devices are even able to translate foreign languages after scanning. Determine which workflow improvements are needed and then begin searching for devices that are able to deliver those improvements without breaking the budget.

4. Efficiency Is Important

People are more aware of their environmental footprint than ever before. Not only is sustainable printing helpful for the environment, but it can also look good on a company’s bottom line. Many printers offer sustainability and efficiency features that can help reduce waste and cut down on costs. This is definitely something businesses should mention to sales representatives when the shopping process begins if their business is striving to meet new efficiency goals.

We Know How to Choose A Printer For Small Business

There is no one perfect printer out there. Instead, the best printer for office use depends on the company and its unique requirements.

Finding the best printer for your office can be a much easier task with the help of RJ Young. To learn more about the printers and features currently available, contact RJ Young today.